суббота, 23 марта 2013 г.

To Learn

Being a clever boy (IMHO) I'm trying to investigate PL65 Libraries.
It's an only right way to learn languages!
And now - the most important - terminal.lib ...
FE Here it is a code of CIO utility!

(Not so sofisticated idea of filling memory from soft stack to previously counted place... Right?)

Do you like to keep LDA-STA in one text line?
Do you like :ioerr LABEL? (It calls from another subroutine...)
Here STACK - is active PL65 internal pointer to STACK beginning.
So XSAVE is Z-Page place to save 6502 X-Register.
RETURN - EXIT from routine.

Does anyone can say that it's no assembler?
- I can!

One of the last strings shows that it calls 'WRTSTR' - a high level function that is not assembler at all!

The asterisk after the name of function shows that it's a case of 'CLOASURE'.

The calling function calls another which needs calling function!
Alice in Wanderland!

Really 'WRTSTR' needs CIO for it's text output.
But CIO needs WRTSTR for ERROR indication!


Today I can't say that I understand a way how the internal assembler interacts with compiler.
I know how ML interacts with BASIC. I know how ML Interacts with ACEC or CC8.

Today I know that PL65 uses programmed (it's own) stack. I don't know how it does...

Sorry, but now I'm working on bitwise and screen libraries and I can't 'goto' realy fast asm version of them. I'm learning only PL65 now!!! No ASM.

And now - my impressions about PL65...

Anyway it saves my nerves in a way that it taking care of memory utilization like BASIC.
Someway strange, someway right... Anyway I feel it!

(Really I feel that 90% of test programs are good and another is my own errors.
anyway in 'C' it-s not so good. I'm not a programmer at all! )
Now I think that inspite of abylity to create BYTE variables etc.,
PL65 uses ONLY INT's !!! ... and drops MSB's in case of BYTE.
Anyway it's 'counting' variables (FOR ... NEXT... FE) all are INT!!!

You can't write:
FOR I=1 TO 2 WRTSTR("I Love YOU!!!") CR() NEXT

You previously MUST say that:

(So you must think that your own abylity to love 'someone' goes to 65536 times !!!)
At a boy!!!

- It's PL65!


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