Some words about Noahsoft(c)1987 PL65.
At first It’s a compiler for 8-bit 6502 computers. I even don’t know was it designed for other then Atari 8-bit machines or not. Anyway I love Atari 8-bit from early 90-th.
This Programming Language has nothing concerned with well known respectable PL/1. If you ask me what’s it like? I’ll be in some kind of trouble. The fact is that PL65 was born earlier then C. And there were times when no one knew exactly how to design a programming language. Seriously it looks like mostly ALGOL, then C and BASIC with ASSEMBLER simultaneously. I think it was an eclectic mixture of all of them with the purpose of giving to programmers their benefits. Thus you can realize that Noahsoft gave not only benefits but their shortcomings too.
Certainly it is a high level programming language with extensive system of structuring but it has BASIC’s rudiments like “GOTO label” and also fully featured 6502 assembler and pointers of some kind like in C.
Well, are you intrigued enough now?
Some words about me.
I’m Russian. My English is too bad for normal conversation. But be aware that my Russian is much better. No mean. I only want to learn PL65 and English of course too.
I’m Russian. My English is too bad for normal conversation. But be aware that my Russian is much better. No mean. I only want to learn PL65 and English of course too.
So your advices concerning programming or learning English will be highly appreciated.
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